Book Summary: The Giving Tree, by Shel Silverstein, is about a tree that gives everything she has to a boy. When the boy was young the tree gave apples and a place to play. When the boy grew older the tree gave him her apples to sell for money, branches to build a house, and her trunk to make a boat. In the end all the boy-now an old man needs is all the tree has- a stump to sit on. There is a repeated phrase throughout the story, "And the tree was happy," because no matter what the boy needed throughout his life the tree was happy to give it to him.
APA Reference: Silverstein, S. (1992). The giving tree. New York, NY: Evil Eye Music, Inc.
Impressions: My impression of this book has changed over time. When I was little I loved the book, it was an easy read about a caring tree who had a great friendship with a boy. Now that I'm an adult re-reading this book- it makes me cry. This book is a very touching story of friendship and giving. Not just giving, but giving everything you have for the happiness of someone else. It is amazing to me that such a simple picture book can encompass that kind of generosity from the tree. I also notice that the adult version of me gets a little mad at the boy for asking for so much and not truly appreciating the depth of what the tree has done for him.
Professional Review: Parents need to know that Silverstein's story really hits an emotional button; readers seem to either love this book or hate it. Some see selfless love as beautiful, even if it's taken to an extreme. It's easy to imagine the tree as a mature, patient mother dependably being there for her child throughout his life. But the tree can also be seen as a masochistic female who doesn't know how to set limits. (Or could the story even be a warning about greedily using Mother Nature's resources?) Still, there's little concern that the youngest readers will grasp much negative meaning from this sensitive parable.
The giving tree: classic, sensitive parable about selflessness.
[Review of the book The giving tree]. Common Sense Media. Retrieved from
Library Uses: This book would be great for several different lessons during a read aloud session like: character study focusing on both the tree and the boy, making predictions for what the boy ask for and what the tree will give, real world applications involving deforestation and conservation, plus many more.
The giving tree: classic, sensitive parable about selflessness.
[Review of the book The giving tree]. Common Sense Media. Retrieved from
Library Uses: This book would be great for several different lessons during a read aloud session like: character study focusing on both the tree and the boy, making predictions for what the boy ask for and what the tree will give, real world applications involving deforestation and conservation, plus many more.