Book Summary: In the wake of the tragedy of 9/11 hurt and sorrow were felt world-wide. 14 Cows for America tells the story of a tribe in Kenya who felt moved to do something kind for Americans. In 2002, an American diplomat received 14 cows from the Masai tribe in Kenya. Cows to these people are extremely important and represent life. The gift of cows from different families within the tribe was a huge gift of friendship and kindness to America to symbolize their heartfelt sorrow after 9/11.
APA Reference: Deedy, Carmen Agra. (2009). 14 Cows for america. New York, NY: Peachtree Publishers.
Impressions: The title of this text intrigued me as well as the artwork. At first I thought it was a story of homecoming, but once I got into it I was surprised to see it wasn't just an African tribal tale but that it was actually a story of hope and friendship. Once I finished it I immediately went right back to page one and read it straight through again. If a cow means life to the Masai, the gift of 'life' was what was truly given to America and the fact that they give what they had and what was also so important to them really struck a chord with me. I felt sorrow as I remembered the tragedy and then I immediately felt hope mixed in with the sorrow. What a great story to share- I'm glad I read it. I also felt that the artwork added tremendously to the text- loved the bright colors!
Professional Review: This is a lovely picture book about foreign aid involving the United States and a remote village in Kenya, but it’s not what you think. Instead of an earnest tale about Americans helping an impoverished people far away, it opens with a Kenyan named Kimeli returning to his village from New York City in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks.
“A child asks if he has brought any stories,” Carmen Agra Deedy writes. “Kimeli nods. He has brought with him one story. It has burned a hole in his heart.” Kimeli tells the people gathered around him about the destruction of the twin towers, and they are stunned. They cannot imagine buildings so tall they touch the sky, let alone fires so hot they melt steel. The villagers scarcely fathom what happened, but they are touched and want to help. “What can we do for these poor people?” one elder asks.
The villagers are Masai, both warriors and cattle-herders, who measure their lives in part by the number of cattle they own. The illustrations by Thomas Gonzalez are beautifully evocative. They show Kimeli in his Stanford windbreaker and running shoes, surrounded by villagers and, of course, innumerable cows. Over and over in the scenes, two spears or two sticks or even two giraffe necks appear in the background, a subtle echo of the twin towers.
Kimeli declares that he wishes to give his cow — he has only one — to the suffering Americans, and asks for the elders’ blessing. They not only approve but add 13 more cows to the gift. Later, the American ambassador comes to the village, and the Masai solemnly present him with 14 cows, as the book puts it, “because there is no nation so powerful it cannot be wounded, nor a people so small they cannot offer mighty comfort.”
This is a true story, as an afterword by Wilson Kimeli Naiyomah explains. He describes how he went to America on a scholarship and was shown great kindness there. So when he wanted to do something after 9/11, he thought: To heal a sorrowing heart, give something that is dear to your own.
That is how the United States came to receive foreign aid from a Masai village. And if you’re wondering what happened to the cows: No, the United States ambassador has not been inviting all his friends to steak dinners. These are sacred cows that are not meant to be slaughtered, and a Masai elder is looking after them on our behalf. They have calved and the herd now numbers more than 35. Kimeli explains the purpose of this charming book: “The Masai wish is that every time Americans hear the simple story of 14 cows, they will find a measure of comfort and peace.”
Kristof, Nicholas. (2009). [Review of the book 14 cows for america]. The New York Times. Retrieved from
Library Uses: This would be a great way to teach about 9/11 to younger students. The text addresses what happened while focusing on the kindness of others. I would make this a book of the month for September or feature it a display of books that feature characters from Africa.
“A child asks if he has brought any stories,” Carmen Agra Deedy writes. “Kimeli nods. He has brought with him one story. It has burned a hole in his heart.” Kimeli tells the people gathered around him about the destruction of the twin towers, and they are stunned. They cannot imagine buildings so tall they touch the sky, let alone fires so hot they melt steel. The villagers scarcely fathom what happened, but they are touched and want to help. “What can we do for these poor people?” one elder asks.
The villagers are Masai, both warriors and cattle-herders, who measure their lives in part by the number of cattle they own. The illustrations by Thomas Gonzalez are beautifully evocative. They show Kimeli in his Stanford windbreaker and running shoes, surrounded by villagers and, of course, innumerable cows. Over and over in the scenes, two spears or two sticks or even two giraffe necks appear in the background, a subtle echo of the twin towers.
Kimeli declares that he wishes to give his cow — he has only one — to the suffering Americans, and asks for the elders’ blessing. They not only approve but add 13 more cows to the gift. Later, the American ambassador comes to the village, and the Masai solemnly present him with 14 cows, as the book puts it, “because there is no nation so powerful it cannot be wounded, nor a people so small they cannot offer mighty comfort.”
This is a true story, as an afterword by Wilson Kimeli Naiyomah explains. He describes how he went to America on a scholarship and was shown great kindness there. So when he wanted to do something after 9/11, he thought: To heal a sorrowing heart, give something that is dear to your own.
That is how the United States came to receive foreign aid from a Masai village. And if you’re wondering what happened to the cows: No, the United States ambassador has not been inviting all his friends to steak dinners. These are sacred cows that are not meant to be slaughtered, and a Masai elder is looking after them on our behalf. They have calved and the herd now numbers more than 35. Kimeli explains the purpose of this charming book: “The Masai wish is that every time Americans hear the simple story of 14 cows, they will find a measure of comfort and peace.”
Kristof, Nicholas. (2009). [Review of the book 14 cows for america]. The New York Times. Retrieved from
Library Uses: This would be a great way to teach about 9/11 to younger students. The text addresses what happened while focusing on the kindness of others. I would make this a book of the month for September or feature it a display of books that feature characters from Africa.